
The result of this cooperation was that creating a game in GameMaker Studio is a lot easier than creating a game in Unity. One reason for this is mode available in GameMaker Studio called Drag and Drop (DnD) which allow creating a game without knowledge of any programming languages. Both games were part of the thesis titled “Comparison between Unity Game Engine and GameMaker Studio Engine on the example of platformer game”. (To run game created in GameMakerStudio2 you need to install this game engine.) Summary of the thesis Comparison of two game engines such as Unity and GameMaker Studio was an object of the thesis. If you haven't already, head over to the Unity website and download the latest version of Unity. Unity is a free, user-friendly game engine that allows developers and studios to create 3D games for Android, iOS, Windows, and over 20 other platforms. About PlayMaker. What exactly is PlayMaker? 'Additionally, despite the ease of use, all of Unity's tools are super powerful, and even the most AAA of developers/studios can make amazing games.' 'I like most in unity it's free and easy to use and easy to understand if anyone is new in game development filed Unity helps to grow fast in the game development field.' Customer Support: 4.4 / 5.

Game Maker Vs Unity 2d



Unity Vs Game Maker

Both games were part of the thesis titled “Comparison between Unity Game Engine and GameMaker Studio Engine on the example of platformer game”.(To run game created in GameMakerStudio2 you need to install this game engine.)

Game Engine Comparison

Summary of the thesis

Comparison of two game engines such as Unity and GameMaker Studio was an objectof the thesis. At the beginning were described exactly what is a game, how it works. Inthe next chapter the purpose of the thesis was described and the way of achieving this.Next part was describing how a team of people which create a game (developmentteam) works, also what the game engine is, what the relations between the gameengine and game genre are, and how running game engine architecture looks like. Alllayers were described, for example:

  • Core Systems, is a layer which includes basic tools such as Assertions, Math library or memory management tools,
  • Resource Manager this layer help access any of game assets.
  • Rendering Engine is the biggest and most complex layer which is responsible for rendering two-dimensional or three-dimensional graphics,
  • Gameplay Foundations, layer consists of a scripting system, dynamic game objects, event/messaging system, et cetera.

And also a few engines were described with their pros and cons moreover, the choiceof game engines was reasoned.In the next part of the thesis, a process of creating games on Unity game engine andGameMaker Studio 2 was described. There were compared processes of creatinggame sprites, game code, animations, particles effects, and sound effects. The resultof this cooperation was that creating a game in GameMaker Studio is a lot easier thancreating a game in Unity. One reason for this is mode available in GameMaker Studiocalled Drag and Drop (DnD) which allow creating a game without knowledge of anyprogramming languages. But also that Unity gives more capabilities and has the bestassets shop.In the last part of the thesis, the benchmarks were made and both games on twodifferent PC setups were compared in terms of frames per second, RAM usage, GPUusage, and CPU usage. The results of that test were as follows: frames per second inboth games were stable at 60 frames, in terms of RAM usage the results were verysimilar, but when it comes to GPU and CPU usage, the game created on GameMakreStudio 2 was better optimized. Reason for this could be that the game created on Unitygame engine despite the fact that it is a two-dimensional game, it is working in threedimensional space. In this chapter also screenshots from both games were compared.The screenshots were almost identical.At the end of thesis following conclusion was drawn: it is hard to say which engine isbetter for creating a two-dimensional game, each one of game engines has pros and55cons. For people starting with programming GameMaker Studio will be better, but forsomeone who wants more advanced options from an engine Unity will be better. Thisleads to the conclusion that the choice of a game engine depends mostly onpreferences game creator has.